Autopercepción de estrés laboral y distrés: un estudio empírico en la policía municipal
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How to Cite

Torres álvarez, E., San Sebastián, X., Ibarretxe, R., & Zumalabe, J. M. (2002). Autopercepción de estrés laboral y distrés: un estudio empírico en la policía municipal. Psicothema, 14(Número 2), 215–220. Retrieved from


Self-perceived of laboral stress and distress: an empirical study in the local police. The aim of this empirical study was to identify and analyse a set of occupational and organisational stressors associated with self-perceived of stress, as well as the distress understood as depression, hostility and somatic symptoms, in a local police sample of the Basque Country (Spain). A questionnaire of 65 items has been elaborated to evaluate the stress, and was applied to 353 polices. By exploratory and confirmatory factorial analysis were isolated five stressors: role performance, personnel management, management style, image and credibility and overwork. The internal consistency coefficients achieved was satisfactory for the five stressors and for the global questionnaire. The distress was evaluated by the questionnaire SCL-90-R. By structural equations was confirmed the predictive power of stressors over distress. The outcomes confirm previous studies about the nature of stressors as well as their relationships with the distress.
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