El análisis de coordenadas polares para la estimación de relaciones en la interacción motriz en fútbol
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How to Cite

Castellano Paulis, J., & Hernández Mendo, A. (2003). El análisis de coordenadas polares para la estimación de relaciones en la interacción motriz en fútbol. Psicothema, 15(Número 4), 569–574. Retrieved from https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/PST/article/view/8060


Polar coordinates analysis to estimate the relationships in the motor interaction in soccer. This research shows a specific application of polar coordinates technique to the study of sport motor action. First, an ad hoc taxonomic system was designed and configured, System of Observation of the Action of Game in Soccer SOCCAF (Castellano, 2000); second, quality of data was contrasted and assured; third, polar coordinates analysis was carried out choosing as criterion behaviour the categories of ball possession continuity displayed by a team in different interaction contexts. Sackett's analytical technique (1980) in its genuine retrospective variant proposed by Anguera (1997a) was applied. This analysis allowed us to know about the relationships between focal behaviour and different categories with regards to prospective and retrospective sequentialities, and to describe different behavioural maps.
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