Una propuesta de evaluación de variables familiares en la prevención de la conducta problema en la adolescencia
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Villar Torres, P., Luengo Martín, M. ángeles, Gómez Fraguela, J. A., & Romero Triñanes, E. (2003). Una propuesta de evaluación de variables familiares en la prevención de la conducta problema en la adolescencia. Psicothema, 15(Número 4), 581–588. Retrieved from https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/PST/article/view/8062


An assessment proposal of family variables for prevention of problem behavior in adolescence. Assessment of family variables is still an object of great attention in prevention of adolescent problem behavior. This paper presents a questionnaire which proves to be valid as a measure of conflict, communication and parental style. Results show that this family dimensions are related with problem behaviors in adolescents. Moreover, results from confirmatory factor analysis reveal that this instrument exhibit an optimal structure to assess this variables. This structure point out the importance of having different informants as sources of data. Therefore, we believe that the instrument proposed will be useful to those researchers who want to use one only method and several data sources as a way to assess family relations in problem behavior prevention.
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