La codependencia en familias de consumidores y no consumidores de drogas: estado del arte y construcción de un instrumento
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Pérez Gómez, A., & Delgado Delgado, D. (2003). La codependencia en familias de consumidores y no consumidores de drogas: estado del arte y construcción de un instrumento. Psicothema, 15(Número 3), 381–387. Retrieved from


Codependency in families of drug users and non-users. The word 'codependency' has been widely employed in the clinical field, mainly associated with alcohol and drug abuse. But there are many doubts about its scientific value because descriptions are very often contradictory and empirical evidence is not available. In this study an instrument with three categories was created: Focus on Other/ Self Neglecting behaviour, No Coping, and Over control. 151 subjects entertaining an emotional relationship with persons with substance abuse problems were selected, whilst another 150 were randomly chosen. Four scales were employed: codependency, self-steem, depression and family aspects. A factor analysis showed that Focus on Other overlaps with Overcontrol, as well as self-esteem and depression; a new factor appeared: the compulsive need to help.. Some statistically significant differences between women and men were observed, which require deeper analysis in future studies. Important differences between groups were found out regarding rearing practices.
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