Discriminal desviation parameter in the Law of Comparative Judgment. In different publications (López & Hidalgo, 2001, p. 331; Luce et al., 1990; Cliff, 1993; Lee, 2001) it has offered itself evidence brings over of the limitations that the tests of adjustment present at the moment of verify the suppositions of a model that uses a functional representation. An example of such types of models they are the based ones on the Law of the Thurstone's comparative Judgment. The results of this study do not recommend to interpret the parameter of disciminal desviation of the Law of the Comparative Judgment, as an index of the degree of confusion that provoke the stimuli in the judges and in turn will be the possibility that really they are the scale values obtained with the above mentioned model, which should be interpreted as an index of the degree confusion that they provoke in the subjects.