Impacto persuasivo del testimonio seguro e inseguro: ¿dos caras de un mismo fenómeno?
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How to Cite

Prieto, ángel, & Sobral, J. (2003). Impacto persuasivo del testimonio seguro e inseguro: ¿dos caras de un mismo fenómeno?. Psicothema, 15(Número 2), 167–171. Retrieved from


Persuasive impact of eyewitness confidence vs. unconfidence: two sides of a same phenomenon? Mock jurors read a trial transcript in which main evidence against the accused is the identification by a witness who express a high versus low level of confidence in her identification. In a third condition, confidence is not explicitly asserted by the witness. Impact of witness confidence on juror perceptions of credibility and verdicts is analyzed. Results shows an association between high confidence and perceptions of credibility and honesty, while uncertainty produces changes in the perception of witness expertise. Results are discussed in terms of persuasive communication theories.
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