La diferencia percibida en valores como proceso vinculado a las relaciones intergrupales de payos y gitanos
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How to Cite

Rodríguez-Bailón, R., & Moya Morales, M. (2003). La diferencia percibida en valores como proceso vinculado a las relaciones intergrupales de payos y gitanos. Psicothema, 15(Número 2), 176–182. Retrieved from


Perceived values-differences as a process involved in the intergroup relationship between gypsies and non-gypsies. The present study tests the hypothesis that the prejudice toward outgroups is related to the perceived difference between the humanity and values of the ingroup and those of the outgroup. A sample of 145 teenagers (non-gypsies) scored the importance of a series of values for non-gypsies (ingroup) and gypsies (outgroup) using the Schwartz Value Survey (Schwartz & Bilsky, 1987). The participants also filled out a prejudice scale and a measure of the perceived humanity of both groups. The results show that high prejudiced individuals, compared to low prejudiced participants, perceive bigger differences between the values of gypsies and those of non-gypsies. The findings also show that high prejudiced individuals also perceive greater differences between ingroup and outgroup humanity. These data support the justifying function of perceived value differences in maintaining certain intergroup attitudes.
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