El conocimiento de sí mismo desde la óptica conductista
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How to Cite

Freixa I Baqué, E. (2003). El conocimiento de sí mismo desde la óptica conductista. Psicothema, 15(Número 1), 1–5. Retrieved from https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/PST/article/view/8129


Knowing yourself from a behavioristic point of view. The purpose of this paper was to present the behavioristic position related to the old rule "know yourself". First, and after brief historical and epistemological considerations, it is argued that knowing oneself implies to understand ones's own behavior, as well as circunstances that could produce, select, support, or eliminate it. Following, the meaning of the term "to know" or, to put in other words, the behavioristic theory of knowledge is briefly analysed; from what knowing is not a mental activity but a particular behavior arisen in front of adequate stimuli.
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