Repercusiones psicológicas y sociales de la prejubilación
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How to Cite

Martínez, P. C., Flórez Lozano, J. A., Ancizu, I., Valdés, C. A., & Adeva Cándenas, J. (2003). Repercusiones psicológicas y sociales de la prejubilación. Psicothema, 15(Número 1), 49–53. Retrieved from


Psychological and sociological repercussions of early retirement. In our days, a great number of researchers have pointed out the psychosocial outcome of early retirement. Present work has two objetives: (1) to make a profile of early retired in Asturias Principality, paying attention to psychological, family, and social variables; (2 find out about a possible theoretical construct in early retired people, which is called "laboral life broken" and "negative self-perception" as a part of it. Results are shown in the sense of a true construct with several behavioral factors apart from the classical "negative selfperception" factor.
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