La escala Cisneros como herramienta de valoración del mobbing
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M. Fidalgo, ángel, & Piñuel, I. (2004). La escala Cisneros como herramienta de valoración del mobbing. Psicothema, 16(Número 4), 615–624. Retrieved from


Cisneros scale to assess psychological harassment or mobbing at work. The Cisneros scale is a selfmanaged questionnaire developed by Iñaki Piñuel that contains 43 items in a seven-point Likert response scale. The range is from never (0) to daily (6). Items deal with 43 different behaviours related to bullying, harassment and emotional abuse in the workplace. The scale forms part of a more extensive instrument, the CISNEROS Barometer ™ (Cuestionario Individual sobre PSicoterror, Negación, Estigmatización y Rechazo en Organizaciones Sociales; Individual Questionnaire on Psychoterror, Mobbing, Stigmatization and Rejection in Social Organizations), which includes 3 scales for exploring periodically the content and development of violence and harassment in the workplace in Spain. In this paper we analyze the reliability, validity and dimensionality of the Cisneros scale using data from a sample of 1.303 workers from different sectors. Results show that Cisneros has very high reliability (0.96) and a bidimensional structure that includes "Locus of bullying behaviour" and "Type of bullying behaviour", and that it presents expected and statistically significant correlations with scales measuring Self-esteem, Burnout, Depression, Intention to leave, and Post-traumatic Stress. It is concluded that Cisneros is capable of discriminating between different levels of bullying and harassment at work and can be considered a valuable tool to examine and establish the frequency and damage of mobbing at organizational or individual level.
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