Comparación de tres programas terapéuticos para la fobia a viajar en avión
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How to Cite

Capafons Bont, J. I., D. Sosa Castilla, C., & Prieto Marañón, P. (2004). Comparación de tres programas terapéuticos para la fobia a viajar en avión. Psicothema, 16(Número 4), 661–666. Retrieved from


Comparison of three fear flying therapeutic programs. We present the outcomes of three intervention programs applied to fear of flying: a reattributional training based program, a mixed exposure procedure and finally a biofeedback training program in order to change psychophysiology responses. These programs have been applied to 87 patients with flying phobia who were randomly assigned to the three treatment groups. 26 persons made up the waiting control group. The therapeutic success has been evaluated by means of self-report scales and recording pshycophysiological variables in an analogous situation. Results showed that positive and lasting effects were obtained by a longe group of phobic persons.
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