Theory, methods, and practices in testing for the 21st century
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How to Cite

Hambleton, R. K. (2004). Theory, methods, and practices in testing for the 21st century. Psicothema, 16(Número 4), 696–701. Retrieved from


The changes that can be expected in the theory, methods, and practices of testing and assessment are considered in this paper. Item response theory will replace classical test theory because it provides features such as model parameter invariance that can improve the construction and analysis of tests. Computers should replace paper and pencil testing because they provide more flexibility in test scheduling, scores can be provided immediately following test administration, and the capability to assess higher level thinking skills is available. New item types, stimulated by the availability of computers for testing, can be expected to increase the validity of testing. Finally, for each major change, challenges remain to be overcome and some of these are described in the paper.
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