Validez y fiabilidad de los instrumentos de evaluación de las inteligencias múltiples en los primeros niveles instruccionales
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How to Cite

Ferrándiz García, C., Prieto Sánchez, M. D., Ballester Martínez, P., & Bermejo García, M. R. (2004). Validez y fiabilidad de los instrumentos de evaluación de las inteligencias múltiples en los primeros niveles instruccionales. Psicothema, 16(Número 1), 7–13. Retrieved from


Validity and reliab ility of the multiple intelligences assessment instrumen ts in the pre-school and primary school. The main aim of th is research is to v alidate the instruments d esig ned b y Gardner in order to assess Multiple Intelligences (MI). This study uses the concept of cognitive abilities defined by Gardner, Feldman & Krech evsky (1 998 a), which are considered as variables in order to make factorial analysis which determines the strength of the different abilities defin ed in the different in telligences- This study was done with a sample of 237 students (120 Boys and 117 girls). We used eleven activities to assess the Mu ltiple Intelligences. The results o f this stud y show that the factorial analysis adeq uately reproduces the multifactorial structure of intelligence, defin ed by Gard ner (1998). Th e internal co nsistency of every one of the factors which the reliability analyses show reinforce the results of the factorial analysis, provin g that the empirical data obtained reproduce the structure of Multiple Intelligences.
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