La percepción de semejanza integrupal y la identificación con el endogrupo: ¿incrementa o disminuye el prejuicio?
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Morera, M. D., A. Marichal, F., Quiles, M. N., Betancor, V., Rodríguez, R., Rodríguez, A., A. Coello, E., & Vargas, I. (2004). La percepción de semejanza integrupal y la identificación con el endogrupo: ¿incrementa o disminuye el prejuicio?. Psicothema, 16(Número 1), 70–75. Retrieved from


The perception of intergroup similarity and ingroup identification: Do they increase or reduce preju dice? This study examines the role played by intergroup similarity and identity in intergroup relations. The main purpose was to determine the relation between ingroup/outgroup perceived similarity and ingroup identification, with attitudes towards several immigrants groups. 400 secondary school students answered a questionnaire composed by three scales: ingroup identification, perceived intergroup similarity, and social distance. Multidimensional analysis of similarity scales showed that people basically employ two dimensions: status similarity and attitudinal similarity. These two dimensions allowed to determine three outgroup categories: similar groups, high status dissimilar groups and low status dissimilar group. Lastly, the analysis of the answer to social distances scales showed that similarity explains the greatest percentage of variance.
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