Reaction Time: from Chro noscope to Wave Theory. In this work we present a procedure to analyse reaction time data. The procedure is derived from the functional model prop osed by Bon net and others (Bonn et and Link, 19 98; Bonnet and Dresp, 2001) which in it's turn was developed from ideas stemming fro m the Wave Theory of difference and similarity proposed by Link (1992). The aim of this procedu re is to separate sensorial from d ecisio nal components in a behavioural response. Using data o btained from an experiment in which we measu red reaction time to motio n onset, we show th e u sefulness of th e p rocedure and we discuss the th eoretical imp lications and p ossible applicatio ns that can be derived from the ability to discriminate sensorial from decisional components in reaction time responses.