Intervención en estrategias de revisión del mensaje escrito
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How to Cite

García, J.-N., & Arias-Gundín, O. (2004). Intervención en estrategias de revisión del mensaje escrito. Psicothema, 16(Número 2), 194–202. Retrieved from


Intervention in writing composition strategies. We present an intervention in writing revision proccesses in a 1st High School classroom, ordinary and computational lessons, composed by 16 students, compared with another two groups (control) whom only received ordinary curriculum. The intervention consisted in the implementation of a process and text planing program focused on revision processes, during a school year, a weekly session into school language timetable. We reached a significative improvement of the experimental group in productivity and coherence in essay task, but not in description nor narration (which require less mental effort), and in reflective disposition. These data suggest that automatization of mechanical aspects of revision and improvement of control of substantive ones, possibly because of computer and pen and pencil uses, and because of the over-exact application of revision estrategies, indicated by essays improvement and writing reflectivity. The need of more specifically additional studies in revision tasks desing and intervention considering its splinter and concrete aspects is suggested.
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