Un programa informático para el cálculo y la representación de índices y valores sociométricos
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How to Cite

Barrasa, ángel, & Gil, F. (2004). Un programa informático para el cálculo y la representación de índices y valores sociométricos. Psicothema, 16(Número 2), 329–335. Retrieved from https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/PST/article/view/8254


A computer program for sociometric values and indexes calculation and representation. Though sociometric test has turned into an instrument very used in different social areas, computer programs developed till now scarcely exploit all its possibilities, because these programs only analyze a limited number of indexes (generally related to elections, rejections and indifferences). The program of software described in this paper extends considerably the previous calculations, adding values and indexes related to perceptions (of elections and of rejections) and to group context (group structure and relation subject-group), and it allows likewise elaborate different graphics (sociometric distance and sociograms of election, rejection, and perception of election and of rejection).
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