Familiaridad y evaluación de estímulos estéticos en función de la educación artística
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How to Cite

Marty, G., Munar, E., & Nadal, M. (2005). Familiaridad y evaluación de estímulos estéticos en función de la educación artística. Psicothema, 17(Número 2), 338–343. Retrieved from https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/PST/article/view/8278


Aesthetic judgment, familiarity and art education. One of Psychology of Art's aims is to identify objective measures that can be used to complement verbal aesthetic judgments. In this study we explored the relationship between the recognition and aesthetic evaluation of artistic and decorative stimuli by participants with and without art education. Participants with art education tend to score artistic stimuli higher than do participants without this education on 4 aesthetic assessment scales. This tendency reverses with decorative stimuli. Moreover, participants with education familiarize themselves better with artistic stimuli than do participants without education. This tendency disappears with decorative stimuli. Finally, overall results lend support to the hypothesis that stimuli that have left a strong mnemonic trace receive greater aesthetic value scores than stimuli that have not left a mnemonic trace.
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