Tratamiento de la fobia a la oscuridad mediante entrenamiento a padres
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How to Cite

Orgilés Amorós, M., Méndez Carrillo, X., & Espada Sánchez, J. P. (2005). Tratamiento de la fobia a la oscuridad mediante entrenamiento a padres. Psicothema, 17(Número 1), 9–14. Retrieved from


Treatment of phobia of darkness through parents training. Treatment of phobia of darkness is more likely to succeed if it is carried out by parents at home. The goal of this article is to examine if phobia of darkness could be reduced in a group of 32 children between 5 and 8 years, using the treatment of emotive performances administered by parents. Parents assisted training sessions and then applied the technique 3 times a week, for a month. Significant differences before and after the intervention were found in the dependent variables. After completing treatment, children were able to stay for long periods of time in a situation of darkness and to reduce their fear related behaviours at night. It is concluded that, if parents are properly trained, they can eliminate phobia of darkness in their children, which confirms the efficacy of the program applied.
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