Alexitimia y amplificación somatosensorial en el trastorno de pánico y en el trastorno de ansiedad generalizada
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How to Cite

Gutiérrez Maldonado, J., & Arbej Sánchez, J. (2005). Alexitimia y amplificación somatosensorial en el trastorno de pánico y en el trastorno de ansiedad generalizada. Psicothema, 17(Número 1), 15–19. Retrieved from


Alexithymia and sensory amplification in panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. Levels of alexithymia are compared in patients with panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder and in a group without mental disorders. According to the hypothesis of this study, those disorders with higher weight of the physiological component of anxiety will have more difficulties in the identification and expression of emotions. As expected, the results obtained indicated that the patients with panic disorder show higher scores of alexithymia than normal subjects, and higher, as well, than patients with generalized anxiety. Finally, the relationships between alexithymia and somatosensory amplification are analysed.
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