Cambio y estabilidad en los factores que afectan negativamente a la parentalidad
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How to Cite

Pons-Salvador, G., Cerezo, M. ángeles, & Bernabé, G. (2005). Cambio y estabilidad en los factores que afectan negativamente a la parentalidad. Psicothema, 17(Número 1), 31–36. Retrieved from


Change and stability of the factors that affect parenting negatively. In child maltreatment prevention field and parenting support, is very relevant the study of the variables related with the change or stability of those factors that affect parenting negatively. The purpose of this longitudinal study was to detect the predictors of change (increase or decrease) and no-change of those negative factors that affect parenting, in a period of a year, in the context of a preventive programme "Mother child psychological support". 520 mothers and their babies aged from 3 to 18 months old constituted the group from which a sample of 85 was randomly selected. The results showed that "no-change" is better predicted than change. Punitive discipline in mo-thers' chilhood, low maternal satisfaction and reporting something they don't like in their 3 month babies, predicted the maintenance of high score in the factors under study. Good marital relationship and more visits to the Program predicted the maintenance of low score in those factors.
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