Consistencia interna y estructura factorial de un cuestionario sobre autorrealización y crecimiento personal
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How to Cite

Aciego De Mendoza, R., Domínguez Medina, R., & Hernández Hernández, P. (2005). Consistencia interna y estructura factorial de un cuestionario sobre autorrealización y crecimiento personal. Psicothema, 17(Número 1), 134–142. Retrieved from


Reliability and factorial structure of a questionnaire on realization and personal growth. A simple, reliable instrument, which is suitable for the evaluation of values of personal and social actualization in adolescents is presented. From the responses of 1,197 boys and girls of between 11 and 18 years old, an analysis is made of the reliability and factorial structure of the Self-concept and Actualisation Questionnaire, AURE, which was drawn up with this aim. The resulting configuration is structured around three fundamental factors: Confrontation, Operation and Actualisation in the task, which includes the necessity to be efficient and to enjoy facing the challenges involved in a self-actualisation project. Secondly Self-concept and Self-esteem which bring a descriptive and affective dimension which is seen here as pivotal to any self-actualisation project. Finally, the factor of Empathy and Social Actualisation, which is the capacity to enjoy caring relationships, attitude towards communication, concern about other people's problems and willingness to collaborate.
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