CLM-1 and RM-1: two programs to analyse psychometric tests. CLM-1 and RM-1 are programs directly feasible from Windows. They have been written to analyze data from a psychometric test application. CLM-1 handles the data under classical model assumptions, showing the basic statistics (mean and standard deviation of the group), and a reliability analyses for dichotomous and politomous items. Further, percentiles and standardized scores are obtained. On the other hand, RM-1 analyzes the data matrix under Rasch model (only for dichotomous items). RM-1 estimates the item difficulty parameters, and person ability parameters. Also, it gives us the goodness of fit model through item, and person fit statistics. Besides that, there are some files with the item characteristic curves and item information functions. Also, a reliability analyses under Classical Model with RM-1 is obtained.