Amenaza al endogrupo y nivel de infrahumanización del exogrupo
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Rodríguez, A., Coello, E., Betancor, V., Rodríguez, R., & Delgado, N. (2006). Amenaza al endogrupo y nivel de infrahumanización del exogrupo. Psicothema, 18(Número 1), 73–77. Retrieved from


When is the infrahumanization to a threatening outgroup higher? Effects of the ambiguity of situation and the empathy with ingroup. Infrahumanization researchs have shown that people attribute their ingroup exclusively human features, for example, the ability to experience secondary emotions. This bias lead people to deny this ability to outgroup and, consequently, to infrahumanize them. However, it would have conditions in which the infrahumanization is intensified. The aim of this study is to determine if there are characteristics in a threatening situation that influence in the level in which ingroup infrahumanize the outgroup. Two histories were constructed; in them, the outgroup committed a violent action against the ingroup, and asthe degree of certainty about the perpetration as the level of empathy with the victim were manipulated. The results show that when there are empathy with the victim and ambiguity about the perpetration, the infrahumanization to outgroup is higher.
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