Una nueva escala para la evaluación de la calidad de los servicios de hostelería
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Varela Mallou, J., Prat SantaolàRia, R., Voces López, C., & Rial Boubeta, A. (2006). Una nueva escala para la evaluación de la calidad de los servicios de hostelería. Psicothema, 18(Número 1), 135–142. Retrieved from https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/PST/article/view/8408


A new scale for the assessment of the quality of hotel bussiness services. In the last 20 years the services sector has experienced a highly significant growth, being currently one of the most important economic sectors in our country. Inside the touristic sector, a strong competence has being experienced among the lodging and restoration establishments. In a scenario characterized by competitiveness, the bet for quality represents a difficult competitive advantage to surpass (García-Buedes, 2001). The objective of this study is to carry out an approach to the evaluation of the perceived quality of the restaurants. As a result of bibliographic revision, and also a first approach of a qualitative nature, we started from a scale of 31 ítems that included 5 dimensions: access, personal, service, product and installations. The results obtained applying the questionnaire to more than 2400 clients of 180 establishments of Santiago de Compostela and region, by means of structured interviews, confirmed that not all these dimensions had the same importance as predictors of customer satisfaction. Specifically, the product emerges as the most important dimension. Likewise, the elimination of the dimension service and a more exhaustive selection of the ítems, based on psychometric criteria, has permitted to define a brief scale, consisting of only 15 ítems, which makes it very attractive as a management tool. The final scale proposed to evaluate the perceived quality in the restoration sector includes four fundamental and non-independent dimensions. These are, ordered by importance: product, personal, installations and access.
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