Reflexiones sobre el sistema de acreditación del profesorado funcionario de Universidad en España
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How to Cite

Buela-Casal, G. (2007). Reflexiones sobre el sistema de acreditación del profesorado funcionario de Universidad en España. Psicothema, 19(Número 3), 473–482. Retrieved from


Reflections on the Accreditation System of tenured University Professors in Spain. The article analyses the way that Spanish university professors are selected. It emphasises the need to improve this system, as the examination processes in the last few years have been arbitrary. Since the University Organic Law was reformed, the current National Qualification process has been turned into an Accreditation System of tenured University Professors. As a result, guidelines are needed to guarantee the validity and reliability of the evaluation system. The guidelines focus on: (a) the criteria and the standards of evaluation ;( b) the evaluation process; (c) the candidates; (d) the commission members; and (e) the scientific productivity standards. Additionally, some of the aspects of the scientific policy related to the Accreditation System of tenured Professors are analysed and commented upon. These aspects are accreditation according to the offer and demand of the universities and the Mprocess of consideration for eventual access to the university.
PDF (Español (España))