Aplicación del estadístico π de bondad de ajuste a modelos de estructura latente
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How to Cite

Revuelta, J., & Kessel, D. (2007). Aplicación del estadístico π de bondad de ajuste a modelos de estructura latente. Psicothema, 19(Número 2), 322–328. Retrieved from https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/PST/article/view/8584


Application of the π* goodness-of-fit index to latent structure models. Testing model fit for latent structure models (latent trait models and latent class models) is difficult because of the lack of goodnessof-fit statistics with a known distribution. This paper describes the application of the π* ,goodness-offit statistic to latent structure models. The statistic π* is based on the concept of latent classes and has a natural interpretation when applied to these models. This statistic assumes that the population is made up of several classes that follow a parametric model, and a residual class outside the model. The value of π* is the population proportion in the residual class. This paper describes the estimation algorithms of π* for latent trait and latent class models and an empirical example with a scale of study habits. There are two latent classes in these data: bad and regular students, which are related to the student's responsibility.
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