Structural validity of miokinetic psychodiagnosis-revised and digityalyzed (MKP-RD) lineograms. In this study, we have applied a principal components analysis to the data obtained from a graphical record of motor behaviour performed without vision. The data was obtained from two samples, one made up of men and the other one made up of women. Hand dominance was controlled in both samples. Five independent factors were obtained: Factor I (Tendency to increase or decrease the length), Factor II (Tendency to deviate in a sagittal direction), Factor V (Tendency to deviate in a frontal direction); two factors (III and IV) were found in a transversal ,direction. This factor structure did not depend on sex, because the same structure was found in both sexes, nor it could be explained by learning, because the same factors appeared for each hand, except for Factors III and IV which were different for each hand. This study supports different motor dispositions as foundations of behaviour tendencies.