The Zuckerman-Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire (ZKPQ), a tool designed to measure the alternative five-factor model of personality, was translated and adapted into the Spanish language. To date, there appears to be no normative data for the ZKPQ in general population samples in any culture. The aim of this study was to obtain Spanish normative data for the scales and subscales in a community sample of the general population. The questionnaire was administered to 1,678 participants of both genders (55.8 % females) with ages ranging from 18 to 93 years. The magnitude of the sample, as well as an adequate representativity of both genders and the wide age range being considered, provides a satisfactory description of each scale and subscale of this instrument. The normative data obtained showed a normal distribution of the scales. The norms (means and standard deviations) are presented by gender and five age ranges and are adjusted according to the level of education attained. Gender differences are in accordance with data obtained with instruments measuring similar personality traits. This is the first time the normative data of the ZKPQ is reported in a general community sample in any culture.