Variables cognitivas y afectivas como predictoras de satisfacción en la vida
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How to Cite

Chico Librán, E., & Ferrando Piera, P. J. (2008). Variables cognitivas y afectivas como predictoras de satisfacción en la vida. Psicothema, 20(Número 3), 408–412. Retrieved from


Cognitive and affective variables as predictors of life satisfaction. This work shows the association between personality variables, such as cognitive and affective variables, and psychological adjustment, such as life satisfaction and depressive symptoms. Accordingly, this study assessed the role of outcome expectancies (optimism and pessimism) and affectivity (positive and negative affect) as a predictors of life satisfaction and depressive symptoms. A total of 458 students from the University Rovira i Virgili completed the scales LOT-R, PANAS, the Satisfaction with Life Scale and BDI. Path analysis results suggest that affectivity variables are more important to predict life satisfaction and depressive symptoms than outcome expectancies. Implications for future research are discussed.
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