Sensibilidad al dolor, autorregulación, afrontamiento y personalidad en mujeres adultas sanas
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How to Cite

López-Pérez-Díaz, ángel G., & Calero-García, M. D. (2008). Sensibilidad al dolor, autorregulación, afrontamiento y personalidad en mujeres adultas sanas. Psicothema, 20(Número 3), 420–426. Retrieved from


Sensitivity to pain, self-regulation, coping and personality in healthy adult women. The goals of this study were to investigate the relation between sensitivity to pain and subjectively perceived intensity of pain, and to establish which psychological variables affect lesser or greater objective sensitivity to experimental pain. The study sample consisted of 74 adult women without regular pain symptoms. Experimental pain was induced by means of the Portable Electronic Dolorimeter (Dolorímetro Electrónico Portátil: DEP)®. Intensity of induced pain was evaluated using a Visual Analogic Scale (VAS). Psychological characteristics studied were self-government, stress-coping strategies, sensitivity to anxiety and the five personality dimensions evaluated by the BFQ of Caprara, Barbaranelli and Borgogni (1995). Results revealed a positive relation between sensitivity to pain and subjective intensity of pain. An analysis of variance also revealed statistically significant differences between groups with low and high sensitivity to pain in the following variables: self-motivation, focalization in problem-solving, positive reappraisal of stressful events, energy and mental openness. The importance of the study lies in the identification of specific psychological factors for intervention in the psychological treatment of pain.
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