Diseño y análisis de la potencia: n y los intervalos de confianza de las medias
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How to Cite

García, J. F., Pascual, J., Frías, M. D., Van Krunckelsven, D., & Murgui, S. (2008). Diseño y análisis de la potencia: n y los intervalos de confianza de las medias. Psicothema, 20(Número 4), 933–938. Retrieved from https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/PST/article/view/8753


Design and power analysis: n and confidence intervals of means. In this study, we analyzed the validity of the conventional 80% power. The minimal sample size and power needed to guarantee nonoverlapping (1 - α)% confidence intervals for population means were calculated. Several simulations indicate that the minimal power for two means (m= 2) to have non-overlapping CIs is .80, for (1 - α) set to 95%. The minimal power becomes .86 for 99% CIs and .75 for 90% CIs. When multiple means are considered, the required minimal power increases considerably. This increase is even higher when the population means do not increase monotonically. Therefore, the often adopted criterion of a minimal power equal to .80 is not always adequate. Hence, to guarantee that the limits of the CIs do not overlap, most situations require a direct calculation of the minimum number of observations that should enter in a study.
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