Propiedades psicométricas de la batería de evaluación de riesgos psicosociales en la mediana y pequeña empresa
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GuàRdia Olmos, J., Peró Cebollero, M., & Barrios Cerrejón, M. (2008). Propiedades psicométricas de la batería de evaluación de riesgos psicosociales en la mediana y pequeña empresa. Psicothema, 20(Número 4), 939–944. Retrieved from


Psychometric properties of the Psicosocial Risk Evaluation Battery for medium and small companies. The assessment of the presence and intensity of psychosocial risks is constant in research into Work Psychopathology. Many questionnaires and diagnosis systems are partial or else there is no standardization process or reliability and validity study. The main purpose of this work is to present the psychometric data of a multidimensional system to assess psychosocial risks, elaborated conjointly by the Universitat of Barcelona and the MC Mutual. This battery assesses companies, using information from the prevention technicians, the directive staff and the workers. With the diverse types of information, a triangulation proposal is established to offer a psychosocial risk profile linked to the evaluation needs.
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