Diferencias conductuales según género en convivencia escolar
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Postigo Zegarra, S., González Barrón, R., Mateu Marqués, C., Ferrero Berlanga, J., & Martorell Pallás, C. (2009). Diferencias conductuales según género en convivencia escolar. Psicothema, 21(Número 3), 453–458. Retrieved from https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/PST/article/view/8778


Behavioral gender differences in school relationships. Adolescents take on different social roles mediated by gender, which affect the development of their identity and the expression of school violence. The purpose of this work is to study the behavioral differences in bullying depending on gender. The sample (N= 641) is aged between 12 and 16 years old. Personal variables are assessed by self-reports, and relational variables by sociometric measures. Results indicate a large incidence of bullying, peer rejection, and school maladjustment among boys. Girls report more relational aggressions, acceptance and social skills, but also higher personal maladjustment. Female victims are rejected the most. Gender differences seem more relevant in relational variables, suggesting the special importance of the relational context in bullying.
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