Deshabituación en drogodependientes y dolor crónico
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How to Cite

álvarez Díaz, N., & Esteve Zarazaga, R. (2009). Deshabituación en drogodependientes y dolor crónico. Psicothema, 21(Número 2), 199–205. Retrieved from


Dehabituation in drug-addicts and chronic pain. In a sample of patients under treatment for dependence disorder, the fear-avoidance model of pain was used as a theoretical framework to investigate differences between patients who developed chronic pain after the abstinence period and those who did not. In line with the model, a set of variables involved in the chronification process were considered: anxiety sensitivity, experiential avoidance, fear of pain, coping styles, anxiety, depression, and quality of life. Differences in clinical and dependence-related variables were analyzed: diagnosis of dual pathology, polyconsumption, prescribed medication, and methadone dose. A group of chronic pain patients (n= 63) and a pain-free group (n= 58) were compared. MANOVA and χ2 results indicated that the chronic pain patients had been diagnosed with dual pathology significantly more often than the pain-free group, they presented higher polyconsumption, and had been prescribed higher doses of methadone and more medications. The chronic pain group had poorer quality of life and significantly higher scores in anxiety sensitivity, experiential avoidance, and depression. No significant differences were found in coping strategies, fear of pain and anxiety.
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