Medida de la cohesión en equipos deportivos. Adaptación al español del Group Environment Questionnaire (GEQ)
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How to Cite

Iturbide, L. M., Elosua, P., & Yanes, F. (2010). Medida de la cohesión en equipos deportivos. Adaptación al español del Group Environment Questionnaire (GEQ). Psicothema, 22(Número 3), 482–488. Retrieved from


A measure of team cohesion in sport. Spanish adaptation of Group Environment Questionnaire (GEQ). The aim of this work was to adapt the Group Environment Questionnaire (GEQ) to Spanish. Judgmental procedures were used to assess the linguistic and cultural equivalence of the versions. Psychometric procedures were used in the operational phase of the study. The normative sample comprised 924 sportsmen/sportswomen from 75 teams. The GEQ scale showed suitable indexes of internal consistency and a bidimensional structure based on two factors of the cohesion model, the Task component and the Social component. In addition, a positive relation between team-performance and the Task component of team cohesion was observed. Overall, the results supported the Spanish version of the GEQ.
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