Relación entre la calidad asistencial percibida y la actitud frente al tratamiento en drogodependencias
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How to Cite

Rial Boubeta, A., Torrado Pérez, N., Braña Tobío, T., & Varela Mallou, J. (2010). Relación entre la calidad asistencial percibida y la actitud frente al tratamiento en drogodependencias. Psicothema, 22(Número 4), 574–580. Retrieved from


Relationship between perceived health care quality and attitude toward substance abuse treatment. Despite the considerable investment made in recent years in Spain in substance abuse care, treatment adherence remains one of the aspects that determine the effectiveness of programs. Several authors have noted the importance of perceived service quality in this context. This paper is presented with dual purpose of highlighting the role that management of the quality of care for drug addicts has, both as a modulator of users' attitudes and perceptions about the treatment, and as a work philosophy, typical of an organization committed to continuous improvement. Conducting personal interviews with 670 users of drug abuse care services in Galicia and through the application of covariance structure analysis, the close relationship between two factors (perceived quality and attitude toward treatment) was revealed. This research also provides professionals and researchers with a new scale for service evaluation that is short, easy to use and with adequate psychometric properties.
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