Psicopatología, características de la violencia y abandonos en programas para hombres violentos con la pareja: resultados en un dispositivo de intervención
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How to Cite

Boira Sarto, S., & Jodrá Esteban, P. (2010). Psicopatología, características de la violencia y abandonos en programas para hombres violentos con la pareja: resultados en un dispositivo de intervención. Psicothema, 22(Número 4), 593–599. Retrieved from


Psychopathology, characteristics of violence and dropout in male batterers treatment programs: Results of an intervention service. This paper deals with male violence toward female partners and the analysis of some variables related to this aggressive behavior. We study the type of violence perpetrated and some indicators of psychopathology, such as personality disorders, previous psychiatric or psychological care, substance abuse and jealous behavior, among others. In addition, we examine the relationship between these variables and the fact that the men do not complete the treatment program. For this purpose, we employed a sample of 118 men who voluntarily participated in an intervention service, and we carried out an ex post facto analysis. With regard to possible relations of dependence or independence among the variables considered, the results show dependence between the possibility of dropping out of the treatment and the presence of psychological or psychiatric history, and patterns of alcohol consumption and consumption of other drugs. In contrast, the existence of personality disorders, jealous behavior, type of violence used, onset or duration of violent behavior are independent of the possibility of dropping out of the treatment program.
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