Atención a señales de velocidad y de orientación mediante movimientos oculares
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How to Cite

Conchillo Jiménez, ángela, Pérez-Moreno, E., & Recarte Goldaracena, M. ángel. (2010). Atención a señales de velocidad y de orientación mediante movimientos oculares. Psicothema, 22(Número 4), 720–724. Retrieved from


Attention to speed and guide traffic signs with eye movements. The goal of this research is to describe the visual search patterns for diverse traffic signs. Twelve drivers of both genders and different driving experience levels took part in real driving research with an instrumented car provided with an eyetracking system. Looking at signs has a weak relation with speed reduction in cases where actual driving speed was higher. Nevertheless, among the people who looked at the sign, the percentage of those who reduce the speed below the limit is greater than of those who do not look at the sign. Guide traffic signs, particularly those mounted over the road, are more frequently glanced at than speed limit signs, with a glance duration of more than one second, in sequences of more than two consecutive fixations. Implications for driving and the possibilities and limitations of eye movement analysis for traffic sign research are discussed.
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