Producción en tesis doctorales de los profesores funcionarios de Psicología en España más productivos en la Web of Science
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How to Cite

Olivas-ávila, J. A., & Musi-Lechuga, B. (2010). Producción en tesis doctorales de los profesores funcionarios de Psicología en España más productivos en la Web of Science. Psicothema, 22(Número 4), 917–923. Retrieved from


Doctoral theses production of the more productive Spanish psychology professors in the Web of Science. The purpose of the present study is to analyze the scientific production of the more productive Psychology faculty member of Spain through advised doctoral theses in the data base TESEO. The sample consisted of the 100 more productive professors of each one of the areas of Spanish Psychology. We reviewed a total of 4036 records of which 2339 belong to the 610 professors who conformed the sample. The results reveal that the percentage of professors who have not directed any thesis accounts for 24%. On the other hand, the proportion of thesis by professor by areas oscillates in a range of between 5.25 and 2.50, being Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatment the highest of this rank and Behavioral Sciences Methodology the last. In the last 7 years, the most productive professors have duplicated their theses direction. Finally, there is a rising trend in terms of theses read in every area, reaching the greater frequency in the years of 2003 and 2005. We discuss the considerations that represent the doctoral thesis direction for professors as criterion in their evaluation.
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