Eficacia del entrenamiento cognitivo basado en nuevas tecnologías en pacientes con demencia tipo Alzheimer
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Fernández-Calvo, B., Rodríguez-Pérez, R., Contador, I., Rubio-Santorum, A., & Ramos, F. (2011). Eficacia del entrenamiento cognitivo basado en nuevas tecnologías en pacientes con demencia tipo Alzheimer. Psicothema, 23(Número 1), 44–50. Retrieved from https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/PST/article/view/9051


Efficacy of cognitive training programs based on new software technologies in patients with AlzheimerType dementia. The study aims to assess the efficacy of the Big Brain Academy (BBA), a computerized cognitive training program (CT) based on video games, compared to the Integrated Psychostimulation Program (IPP), a classical CT tool for patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD). A total of 45 patients with AD at the mild stage were randomly assigned to three experimental conditions. Two treatment groups were established, in which patients received either a stimulation program with BBA (EABB) or a traditional stimulation program (EAPI), based on paper-and-pencil tasks, for twelve weeks. A third group, the control group (EANT), did not receive any treatment during this period. The differential effectiveness of the programs was evaluated through pre-post design, considering neuropsychological, behavioral, and functional standard measures as outcome variables. The EABB group showed significantly slower rates of cognitive decline compared to the EAPI and EANT groups. Furthermore, the EABB group reported significantly greater decrease in depressive symptoms in comparison with the EAPI and EANT groups. The BBA program was more effective than IPP to reduce cognitive decline and depressive symptoms in patients with AD.
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