Evidencias contra el mito de la inadaptación de las personas con altas capacidades intelectuales
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How to Cite

Borges Del Rosal, áfrica, Hernández-Jorge, C., & Rodríguez-Naveiras, E. (2011). Evidencias contra el mito de la inadaptación de las personas con altas capacidades intelectuales. Psicothema, 23(Número 3), 362–367. Retrieved from https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/PST/article/view/9072


Evidence against the myth of adjustment problems of people with high intellectual abilities. Personaland social adjustment of high-ability children and adolescents is a very important issue in the specialized literature. The differences found between data for and against appropriate adjustment in gifted children and adolescents could be explained by conceptual or methodological biases. In this work, the relation between adjustment and high abilities are contrasted in a sample of teenagers from the Canary Islands, using a screening procedure based on their scores in intelligence tests. Results show that, although gifted adolescents differ significantly from their peers in the control group in socio-economic variables and academic performance, there are no differences in personal, social and educational adjustment. We conclude that adjustment problems and high ability are independent variables, and there is no evidence to support that gifted individuals have adjustment problems.
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