Desarrollo y validación del inventario de perfeccionismo infantil (I.P.I.)
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Lozano Fernández, L. M., García Cueto, E., Martín Vázquez, M., & Lozano González, L. (2012). Desarrollo y validación del inventario de perfeccionismo infantil (I.P.I.). Psicothema, 24(Número 1), 149–155. Retrieved from


Development and validation of the Childhood Perfectionism Inventory (I.P.I.). There are a few studies linking children's perfectionism with diverse internalized or externalized disorders. Likewise, in Spanish, there is no scale that measures the diverse aspects that comprise it. This paper presents the Children's Perfectionism Inventory (IPI). The sample comprised 2,260 participants (51.2% males and 48.8% females). The age range is between 8 and 13 years (mean= 9.94 and SD= 1.27). Sampling was stratified and random. Of the sample, 78.1% are from public education and 21.9% from private education. 16.2% reside in rural areas and 83.8% in urban areas. To study the validity of the questionnaire, cross-validation was performed. Initially three factors were obtained through exploratory factor analysis: Self-assessment, Self-imposed and External Pressures, with adequate reliability indices (Cronbach's alpha= .89, .87 and .88, respectively). Subsequently, using a confirmatory method, it was found that the three initial factors were explained by a single second-order factor called Perfectionism.
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