Salud cardiovascular en la mujer: el papel de la ira y su expresión
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How to Cite

Pérez-García, A. M., Sanjuán, P., Rueda, B., & Ruiz, M. ángeles. (2011). Salud cardiovascular en la mujer: el papel de la ira y su expresión. Psicothema, 23(Número 4), 593–598. Retrieved from


Cardiovascular health in women: The role of anger and its expression. The relationships between anger expression (in, out, and control) and cardiovascular health (emotional distress, cardiovascular symptoms reported, and preventive health behaviors) were analyzed in 327 women (range 17-60 years). The same criteria (N= 218), as well as blood pressure (BP) registered in medical checkups (N= 90) were recorded one year later. Four groups according to anger-in and anger-control scores, going from the most hostile (high anger-in and low anger-control) to the least hostile (low anger-in and high anger-control) were considered. The results indicated that the most hostile group, with the least adaptive anger expression, presented worst cardiovascular health than the other three groups, at both temporal moments. Furthermore, the presence of women with pathological BP levels was higher in the groups of high anger-in. These data ratify the role of anger expression, especially its repression (anger-in) and the lack of adequate canalization or control in women's cardiovascular health from a prospective design. Appropriate management of anger feelings and the practice of preventive health behaviors can protect women from cardiovascular problems.
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