Descripción del síndrome de alienación parental en una muestra forense
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Vilalta Suárez, R. J. (2011). Descripción del síndrome de alienación parental en una muestra forense. Psicothema, 23(Número 4), 636–641. Retrieved from


Description of the Parental Alienation Syndrome in a forensic sample. The aim of this paper was to assess the presence of the criteria for Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) in a sample of families in the process of divorce. Thirty nine records obtained from family cases evaluated by a forensic psychology service were analyzed. A checklist of criteria was made using the description of PAS, these criteria served to confirm their presence by assessing the three actors in the dynamics of the PAS: both parents and the child. The presence of these criteria was analyzed comparing the groups with and without interruption in the contacts. The results showed a strong correlation between the criteria defining the PAS. The presence of these criteria was much higher in the group with interrupted contacts versus the group with uninterrupted ones. However, taking into account the disorders that were computed in visiting parents, there were no differences between both groups. These results seem to confirm the presence of the criteria of PAS in families that are in a process of marriage breakdown with disruptions or conflicts in the visitation rights.
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