Nuevo mapa de los mitos sobre la violencia de género en el siglo XXI
Psicothema 2012, Volumen 24, número 4
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How to Cite

Bosch-Fiol, E., & Ferrer-Pérez, V. A. (2012). Nuevo mapa de los mitos sobre la violencia de género en el siglo XXI. Psicothema, 24(Número 4), 548–554. Retrieved from


New map of the myths about gender violence in XXI century. This paper presents an approach to the contemporary relevance of the myths about domestic violence, which are defined as stereotypical beliefs about such violence, which are generally false but persistent. These myths have been studied and classified into diverse categories (marginality myths, myths about offenders, battered women myths). To them, and within the context of new forms of sexism, would be added what has been called "new myths", including those that minimize the importance of the problem or, even going one step further, those that deny its existence. This paper discusses the scope and extent of these new myths.
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