All submissions to SELIM are subject to double-blind peer review to ensure the highest scholarly standards. They will typically be read in anonymised form by two anonymous experts. While book reviews are not peer-reviewed by external referees, they are subject to editorial review.
Editorial screening
Once you have submitted your piece, you will receive an automatic email confirming receipt of your manuscript. An initial assessment will be conducted by the General Editor to assess the paper’s quality and suitability and ensure that (1) the contents of the manuscript are consistent with the journal’s scope and reach basic scholarly standards (2) the manuscript fulfills all the formal requirements set out in the Author Guidelines section; and (3) the submission complies with the Publication Ethics and Plagiarism policies.
If any of the formal requirements are not fulfilled, you will be asked to make all necessary changes within seven working days.
If your manuscript is desk-rejected, you will receive a letter explaining the reasons for rejection.
Double-blind peer review
If the initial assessment outcome is positive, your manuscript will be double-blind peer-reviewed by two external experts in the relevant field. The reviewers will be required to review the manuscript and produce a report by completing a form available on the journal platform. If the two reports show significantly different views on the outcome of the peer-review process or if the General Editor considers it necessary, the manuscript will be sent to a third reviewer.
Reviewers’ reports must be submitted within six weeks after accepting the review request.
After carefully considering the referees’ reports, the Editorial Board will inform you of their decision: Request major or minor revisions, Accept or Reject.
If revisions are requested, you will receive the referees’ feedback (comments and suggestions) and will be given a deadline to make all the required changes in a revised version of their manuscript. Minor revisions must be completed within two weeks, while major revisions must be submitted within four weeks. If significant structural and/or content changes are required, the revised version may be subject to a new review round.
After submitting your revised version, the General Editor will then check that the reviewers’ feedback has been appropriately taken into consideration and that all the changes have been duly implemented and will then decide whether the revised version can be accepted.
If the submission is accepted, the author(s) will be notified, and the manuscript will be published in the corresponding issue. Once an article is accepted, the final publication date could be delayed for up to 6 more months.
Review of proofs
A proof of the article / note / book review will be sent to the author/s for review. Only minor, non-structural changes (e.g. spelling mistakes) can be proposed. Authors will be asked to return their corrected proofs within seven days. The accepted versions will be published in the journal’s yearly issue online. No further changes can be made after publication in the journal.