The Witch, the Ogress, and the Temptress: Defi ning Grendel’s Mother in Beowulf and Film Adaptations

How to Cite

Peña Gil, P. (2019). The Witch, the Ogress, and the Temptress: Defi ning Grendel’s Mother in Beowulf and Film Adaptations. SELIM. Journal of the Spanish Society for Medieval English Language and Literature., 18, 49–75.


Abstract: The characterisation of Grendel’s mother is no doubt one of the most intriguing aspects of Beowulf. Traditionally considered as a monster by the majority of its readers, she has been redefi ned lately by critics and fi lm makers. This article aims to shed light on this mysterious character by off ering an analysis / om two diff erent angles. First, I will examine the references to Grendel’s mother in Beowulf. Secondly, I will provide a study of her role in various fi lms to see how several directors have envisioned her in an attempt to refl ect underlying dualities that Grendel’s mother is endowed with in the Old English poem.

Keywords: Beowulf, Anglo-Saxon literature, OE wrecend, Grendel’s mother, Anglo-Saxon monsters, gendered monsters, female warriors, gender studies, fi lm studies, cinema adaptation, The Thirteenth Warrior, John McTiernan, Graham Baker, Sturla Gunnarsson, R. L. Zemeckis, Angelina Jolie.


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