Focus and Scope
The journal Trabajos de GeologÃa is a yearly publication whose objective is publishing those works and research of quality about any Geology topic, to allow the diffusion of local data such as geological maps, geochemical analyses, etc, that are not suitable for international journals.
Trabajos de Geología does not charge fees to authors for sending and publishing articles, and provides all its contents in open access.
Peer Review Process
Peer review carried out by experts in a given field, who are qualified and able to perform reasonably impartial reviews. The final decision of acceptance or rejection of a manuscript corresponds to the editor.
Open Access Policy
This is an open access journal so that all content is available immediately after its publication for free and without charge to the user and/or his institution, on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Geology Department
- University of Oviedo
Journal History
Published since 1967, in the past the main objective of the journal Trabajos de GeologÃa responded essentially to the diffusion of research works about the geology of Northwest Iberia and the outreach of the research done at the Geology Department of the University of Oviedo (Spain), however, the journal is now focused on the publication of all those quality works about any field of Geosciences.
The increasing competition in scientific research demands from researchers to elaborate articles that can be accepted by international journals with a high impact factor where mainly general models are accepted in order to catch a broad audience. In this way, many punctual data used for the elaboration of the article are never published. In the specific case of regional geology, for instance, this situation brings us to loose a large amount of local data in all branches of the geological sciences. However, these data are essential for the progress of knowledge. Trabajos de GeologÃa does not pretend to compete with international scientific journals, but to recover all the documents and information that being essential for an article are never published along with it.
On the other hand, MSc Thesis, or research pieces done by PhD students are sometimes the source of an article but many times are archived in our library without a proper diffusion. Trabajos de GeologÃa vows for being a vehicle to publish these works and train junior researchers in the elaboration of scientific articles.
According to these premises, Trabajos de GeologÃa will accept original articles about all aspects of Geological Sciences. Articles previously published in other journals will not be accepted. Manuscripts will be published in English, Spanish and French.