The ESCI-N Project after a decade: A síntesis of the results and open questions
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How to Cite

Fernández Viejo, G., & Gallastegui, J. (2005). The ESCI-N Project after a decade: A síntesis of the results and open questions. Trabajos De Geología, 25(25), 9–27.


A synthesis of the results and conclusions from the data corresponding to the ESCI-N project is presented. The ESCI-N project developed in the early 90’s providing the first set of deep reflection and refraction data for the Cantabrian Mountains and adjacent areas. The discovery of a crustal root beneath the highest picks of the Cordillera marked a hit point on the studies and the relationship between the Cantabrian Cordillera and the Pyrenees became clear after the ESCI-N project. The study and interpretation of these data produced important findings and new constraints greatly improving the geodynamical and evolutional models of the area.
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